Scientific workshops

scientific workshops (picture: Anatoly Maslennikov © - Fotolia)Among the scientific workshops on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Energy and Nuclear Safety (BMU) are professionals, associations and representatives are invited to highlight important aspects of a mini-CHP support in working groups. In general 2-3 topics per workshop will be handled.

On the 12th of September 2013, the first scientific workshop covering the subject of mini-CHP incentives and the program was held as part of the accompanying scientific research in Berlin.

 Barriers, housing sector and future operational mode

This first workshop as a joint venture project of Prognos AG, BHKW-Consult, the BHKW-Infozentrum and the ifeu institution prepared working groups to discuss the key issues “barriers to a mini-CHP expansion”, “mini-CHP and housing” and “Future modes of Mini-CHP systems “. More than 45 experts concerned themselves with realistic assumptions about ‘development paths for mini-CHP in the next two decades.

Discussion of the results of the study

In the second scientific workshop, which is scheduled to take place in summer / autumn 2014, possible solutions will be tackled and the accompanying scientific research results will be emphasized in an open and critical dialogue.


aktualisiert am: 24.10.2013