The federal government has set ambitious targets for its energy concept surrounding the climate and energy policy objectives. Greenhouse gases are to be reduced by the year 2020 compared to the reference year 1990 by 40% and ultimately by at least 80% by the year 2050. In addition an attempt by 2020 will be made to achieve a proportion of 25% electrical power.
What are the funding objectives of the mini-CHP incentive program?
Small CHP plants of up to 20 kW can significantly contribute to a high fuel utilization (efficiency) as well as providing a flexible deployment of a secure electrical power supply. Targeted economic incentives are needed (pulses) in order to enhance such highly efficient mini-CHP systems in all relevant fields of application in accordance with their most effective use.
A central goal of the mini-CHP support through investment grants according to the “Guidelines for the promotion of cogeneration systems up to 20 kW of electrical power” is to significantly increase the use of highly efficient mini-CHP systems, thus helping to achieve national climate goals.
Furthermore, additional incentives for a market development should be given. On the one hand promoting a market for new technologies or CHP modules is a target. On the other hand, preparing for the flexibility requirements of an electricity market with increasing amounts of fluctuating renewable energy sources, supported by the mini-CHP incentive program mini-CHPs should also be be an objective.
Summary of mini-CHP incentive program targets
In addition to an increased market penetration, the funding objectives of the mini-CHP incentive program consist in particular of continued further development of the mini-CHP systems and transparent and flexible procedures.