Eligibility Conditions within the mini-CHP incentive program

Eligibility Conditions within the mini-CHP incentive program (picture: presentermedia.com)To be eligible to receive the mini-CHP investment promotion, the mini-CHP plant operators must meet the eligibility requirements set by the mini-CHP incentive program.

These eligibility requirements and the funding available within the mini-CHP incentive program are divided according to item 5 “Requirements for the promotion of cogeneration plants” in basic eligibility conditions and further eligibility conditions.

Basic eligibility conditions of the mini-CHP incentive program

Eligible is only the installation of electricity and heat feasible CHP plants in existing buildings, that

  • lie in the power range up to 20 kW
  • are served by a maintenance contract
  • are not in an area with a connection to and use of district heating and
  • don not have an energy meter for determining the flow and heat generation in the cogeneration process
  • are listed on the BAFA list of eligible mini-cogeneration plants using the mini CHP incentive program.


Further eligibility conditions of the mini-CHP incentive program

Further eligibility conditions of the mini-CHP incentive program are

  • heat storage
  • regulation for heat and electricity-run operation
  • interface / ICT
  • implementation of a hydraulic calibration
  • use of efficient circulation pumps

The conditions are detailed on the information pages of this section. The most significant are the guidelines contained in the “Guidelines to promote CHP systems up to 20 kW of 17 January 2012 “and the” Notes for Applicants to promote a mini-CHP plant “.

aktualisiert am: 12.11.2013